Religious, ethnic and culinary Experience
We will start at The Basilica of Jesus the Adolescent, run by the Salesian religious order, a hill overlooking the city. We will visit The Church of the Annunciation the largest Christian church building in the Middle East. Angel Gabriel Announced the future birth of Jesus to the Virgin Mary (Luke 1:26-31).
The Eastern Orthodox Church St. Gabriel’s Church. The Synagogue Church, which is located at the traditional Site of the synagogue where Jesus preached (Luke 4) The Mensa Christi Church, the traditional location Where Jesus dined with the Apostles after his Resurrection Tour the ancient market of Nazareth brings us the atmosphere of rural tradition of the agricultural environment of the city of Nazareth.
Nazareth is known for fine restaurants in the country Special bonus of our visit to Nazareth is to visit a private Home, one of the palaces of the city of Nazareth from the 19th Century and see the most impressive ceiling paintings of the Fresco method.
If u r very interested in ancient art in general and mosaics specifically Zippori is a must visit if only to see “The Mona Lisa of the Galilee” –