Boutique hotels, pampering guest houses, special small restaurants, boutique wineries, and quality dairies.
The holy land of Israel as the land of the bible and the bed of the major religions of the world has been a tourist attraction since the dawn of history. Pilgrims from all religions and all ends of the earth flocked here. This fascinating land knew days of prosperity as well as hardship.
The State of Israel experienced difficult birth pangs after receiving its independence. Since the 1990’s tourism in holy land Israel began taking different form. The stable economy and calm security situation (though there were difficult years of security incidents) brought with them a growing demand from the Israeli tourism industry to high quality in the fields of accommodation and dining.
Guest houses and boutique hotels: Many families living in the rural areas established thousands of unique, pampering guest units. In the villages of the Galilee in the north and in the Negev desert in the south, quality luxurious suites were built, including the finest enhancements and conveniences.
In the cities: ancient houses and palaces were rehabilitated and turned into boutique hotels. All of these places include breakfast served by the hosting family. The stay in one of these houses is a unique experience and opportunity for the tourist to get a close look at life in the village and the Israeli family, and of course, at the traditional food.
Quality restaurants: The Israeli clientele have a refined palate and are exposed to foods of all ethnic groups. The demand for quality food drove many entrepreneurs to study and open small restaurants, each specializing in a specific field. Argentinian food, Italian, Arab and more. Some of these restaurants were opened in villages and small communities and personal acquaintance is required in order to reach them.
Wineries and quality dairy farms – Israeli wines have made quite a name for themselves in recent years.
Smaller, lesser known boutique wineries produce high quality wine and liquor as do dairy farms that produce excellent goats’ cheeses.
We, as veteran guides, Israeli natives, in the tourism business for 25 years, know all of these businesses personally and are able to include them in our tour of the country.
Come experience a different Israel with us- through food, wine, and wonderful hospitality.